Agenda Bookshop

Agenda Bookshop

Agenda Bookshop

Agenda Bookshop is a household name in Malta with 9 outlets operating as a books and magazines retailer. Agenda offers the very latest International best sellers and came to Born looking to create a website that would enable the company’s customers to have access to millions of books and content. The main aim was to facilitate customers’ purchases by making books available with just one click.

Our design team in Malta created a website for Agenda Bookshop to facilitate customers’ purchases by making millions of books available automatically.

Agenda Bookshop operates as the leading books and magazines retailer and is a household name in Malta with 9 outlets.

The Brief

Agenda Bookshop is a household name in Malta with 9 outlets operating as a books and magazines retailer. Agenda offers the very latest International best sellers and came to Born looking to create a website that would enable the company’s customers to have access to millions of books and content. The main aim was to facilitate customers’ purchases by making books available with just one click.

The Solution

Navigation menu to help identify genre and type of books available, with a large drop down menu. Call to Action banners featuring Book of the Month, alongside dedicated sections. CTA breaks included in landing pages. Standout points, encouraging website users to buy online. Product pages featuring description, product details, info about author, reviews, suggestions etc. Pre-order option, as well as an option to purchase gift card, checking balance etc. Shopping basket. A summary order with product image. Customer support. Secure checkout with various payment options. Delivery and returns. Option to have all books delivered at the same time, or separately. Ability to select delivery timeframe. Viewing of account, order history, points collected in loyalty club. Agenda also requested the ability to update most aspects of the website from the backend., as well as the ability to create landing pages from backend with components that are already available on the website to use for specific campaigns. A wish list feature was also required, as was a ‘Refer a Friend’ to claim extra points or get a discount when their friend makes their first purchase. We also catered for smart product recommendations, as well as a customer chat and chatbox. A donation option at checkout was also made available.

The Result

With all the actions taken on the website, Agenda Bookshop experienced exponential growth. Stock integration was another greater benefit of resorting to an online shop

Service Categories

eCommerce, ERP Integration, Online Shop, SLA, User Interface Design, Web Design, Website User Experience (UX) Design

Technology Categories

Shopify, CSS, Custom Product Integration Sync, HTML, JavaScript

Industry Categories

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